Your small town gunshop


In addition to US Army Ordnance School our Gunsmith has been classically trained by apprenticing under Master Gunsmith Don Bottoms, who served San Antonio’s gunsmithing needs for over 60 years!


online gun Ammo & retail sales

Explore our distributors wide selection of firearms ammo & accessories shipped straight to your door or for in store pickup!

Gun shop

We buy, sell, trade, and consign all types of firearms! We always have a little bit of everything in stock and get some pretty cool old guns coming through you don’t often see in the big box stores.

Owner Sherman Calame with wife Hannah Calame and newborn son Thomas

Small town gunshop with competitive prices and top notch old school customer service!

When you buy local you’re not just supporting a business you’re helping out your neighbor!

Stop on by the shop today! We love what we do and we love helping folks get what they need when it comes to anything gun related!